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Sharing knowledge to support a healthy childhood

Every child has the right to grow up healthy. Our community brings together programmes from around the world that work to promote a healthy weight for our young people. Join our international community to discuss the good practices and challenges we encounter in promoting a healthy environment and lifestyle for youngsters.

Through exchange our aim is to obtain insights and effective solutions that will successfully address the challenges we face in implementing our programmes. Learn more about the four most common challenges encountered by our community.

PETICA, Croatia

How a simple intervention is enough to get children active

It’s important to put what we know about a healthy lifestyle into practice on a daily basis. For children to be more active the environment needs to be designed in such a way that the basic conditions allow them to be more active.

SETS, Romania

Learning through fun increases pupil participation

PETICA, Croatia

A simple way to encourage partners to support your programme

JOGG, The Netherlands

Strong complementary duo in the lead for JOGG Hellevoetsluis

Building leadership and ownership


Support communities by providing them with concrete, practical help

Gyere, Hungary

It’s not the kids but the adults that adopt a healthy lifestyle

Healthier Kids - Ajyal Salima, Lebanon

Don’t just obligate, educate!

Generating financial support

JOGG, The Netherlands

Fundamental change needs structural funding

Scaling up progressively

MUN-SI, Portugal

Build to last: sustaining long term support of a healthy lifestyle

Rise VT, USA

Empowering school wellness committee to find their own solutions

JOGG, The Netherlands

Towards a national movement

Connecting prevention and care


Three interventions to sustain lasting change towards living a healthier life

Rise VT, USA

Advancing prevention by engaging the community in addressing social determinants

JOGG, The Netherlands

A broad approach for the care and support of overweight children