Three interventions to sustain lasting change towards living a healthier life

How do you create lasting change that leads to a sustained healthy lifestyle?
To change how children behave to reduce excess weight and obesity, you have to work with the family because the family is the cornerstone of behavioural change.
- The nutritional intervention
Our aim here is to enable the parents of the child or adolescent to make healthy choices themselves on a regular basis. The intervention is made up of two counselling sessions with either the parents of the child or the adolescent and a dietician, along with four educational group sessions.
- The psychological intervention
In this intervention we provide counselling based on the family’s needs. It begins with a psychological assessment followed by four psycho-educational group sessions in which we evaluate current lifestyle habits, teach healthier lifestyle habits and share experience and beliefs. We conclude with two follow-up meetings after six months and a year to discuss progress.
- The physiological intervention
The physiological intervention takes six months during which children exercise on a bi-weekly basis with trainers. The intervention aims to improve the general level of fitness (spatial coordination, aerobic capacity, flexibility and muscle strength) and promote the joy of exercising.
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