Strong complementary duo in the lead for JOGG Hellevoetsluis

Hellevoetsluis is a municipality in the Netherlands that has been working with the integral JOGG approach for almost six years. A strong political agenda and inclusion in relevant policy documents are crucial to ensuring that the programme and its activities are implemented and embedded.
Political support is the key to successfully introducing and sustaining the JOGG approach in the community. It is therefore important that the concept of a healthy weight as part of a healthy lifestyle is placed high on the agenda of the Municipal Executive. Equally important is that the responsible Deputy and the Councillors are aware of, in favour of and committed to the JOGG approach. Strong leadership and close cooperation with a dedicated policy officer is essential to ensure political support.
In Hellevoetsluis the JOGG programme manager and the JOGG policy officer work as a team. They facilitate change by involving everyone who has an influence on the environment of children. The lines of communication are short and regular meetings between the relevant parties contribute to a transparent and impactful programme.
The close cooperation with the policy officer on policy matters has provided a fertile ground for the local programme to grow and continue.